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[CLOSED] HR Restructuring for IIEF’s Divisions of Assessment and PMO
- October 28, 2024
- Category: Career
HR Restructuring for IIEF’s Divisions of Assessment and PMO
IIEF – Indonesian International Education Foundation is a national foundation with a rather unique portfolio and operations. Its main portfolios are (1) TOEFL test operations; and (2) Other programs mainly in the areas of scholarship management, CSR, training and grant management. There are two main divisions within IIEF, i.e.: (1) Assessment Division; and (2) Program Management & Operations, with the following details:
- Assessment Division
- Headed by Chief of Assessment Operations (CAO)
- There is a total of 9 Team Members under CAO
- Program Management & Operations (PMO)
- Headed by Chief of Operations (COO)
- There is a total of 10 Team Members under COO
Both of the divisions include the aspects of operations and marketing (or program development). The main difference lies in the portfolios handled by each division (as stated above).
Problem Statement
As the year of 2025 will mark 43rd year of IIEF’s operation in Indonesia, there has been a strong demand that places a heavier focus on the stronger financial stability and sustainability that can be achieved through the followings (not limited to):
- Continuous increase in the numbers of tests administered (AD)
- More institutions acquired as score users (AD)
- Product and service diversification in some necessary areas (AD & PMO)
- Improved forms and/or more innovative development of the division’s core areas that can be transformed into new programs that can be appealing for prospective stakeholders (PMO)
- More active and measured efforts in exploring opportunity for new program development (PMO)
- More active and measured efforts in exploring for collaboration opportunity with the objective to seek new opportunity for program development (PMO)
- More creative and innovative strategic planning and new program design, taking into consideration the latest trend in the areas of (not limited to): CSR, training, scholarship and grant management (PMO)
Therefore, IIEF is looking for a service from a consultant/consulting firm that has proven track records in the area of Human Resources to conduct an analysis of the current resource structure and provide a recommendation with the best structures for both divisions, which can bring the best performance, effective, yet very cost-efficient.
Proposal Submission Guidance
- All participating firms will email the proposals to: ditya.putri@iief.or.id by 7 November 2024 with “HR Restructuring Proposal” in the email subject.
- The incoming emails will consist of 2 (two) proposals: Narrative Proposal and Cost Proposal.
- Narrative Proposal will include (not limited to): Work Methodology, Work Timeline, Past Performance, etc.
- This procurement is only open to a firm registered in Indonesia as the PKP (Pengusaha Kena Pajak.
Selection Matrix
All incoming proposal will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Confidentiality and Proprietary Interests
The Consultant shall not disclose any proprietary or confidential information related to the consultancy service during the term or after the termination of the assignment without prior written consent from IIEF. Proprietary interests on all materials and documents prepared by the consultants under the assignment shall become and remain properties of IIEF.
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